
[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)



[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)














3M Privacy Filter for 20' Diagonal Standard Monitor, Protect your confidential information, Reduces glare and reflections (PF200W9B)

Help keep your personal or confidential information private with an effective 'black out' privacy from side views. You see clearly while onlookers see black.

Fits 20' widescreen monitors. Before choosing your screen, use the measuring instructions video on the left to ensure you choose correctly

Black, frameless, lightweight, thin design, reversible- glossy or glare-reducing matte

Includes two, easy-to-attach, reusable options – Attachment Strips and Slide-Mount Tabs

Helps reduce reflections so you see your screen clearly with pristine image clarity.Landscape orientation. Touch not compatibe.Scratch resistant.Reduces 35 percent of blue light transmission from the display

100% hand inspected for quality assurance.Viewing Area Dimensions-width x height-17 7/16 inch x 9 13/16 inch. Viewing Area Dimensions - Metric width x height-443 mm x 250 mm.

From the manufacturer

3M Privacy Products

Featuring microlouver technology pioneered, designed and optimized by 3M to block side views so you see your screen clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden shield.

Privacy is the best policy

These days, screens are everywhere. And so are visual hackers. With the increase of mobile workers, open workspaces, and the migration of data to the cloud, computer screens can display private information virtually anywhere.

An unprotected screen can expose sensitive and private information, trade secrets and business plans. And the reality is, a visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach.

A leader in screen privacy and protection

For more than 30 years, 3M has been advancing optical technology to deliver the gold standard in visual privacy. We remain a trusted global leader today—continuing to improve our technology, features and breadth of product.

Display and device technology continues to advance. So do we. Our privacy filters work simply and beautifully on most of today’s monitors to help protect your screens, and help keep the information on them private.

Behind the simplicity of介紹 our products is a powerful combination of optical science and sheer ingenuity you’ve come to expect from 3M. Rest assured, our products are inspected for quality defects, ensuring that you get authentic 3M Privacy Filters, with science applied to life.

Visual hacking: when information is visually captured without permission. But we’ve got you covered.

熱門商家Gold standard in privacy

3M Gold Privacy Filters are perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors. Maintain optical clarity while projecting a vivid golden shi折扣活動eld to side views.

How privacy filters work

3M Privacy Filters block side views outside the 60 degree viewing angle, while providing a crisp, clear view to those directly in front of the screen.

Microlouver technology

A single microlouver is about as thin as a single strand of hair. There are thousands of microlouvers within one 3M Privacy Filter—all virtually undetectable by the human eye.

Attachment options

3M Gold Privacy Filters for Monitors attach with optically clear adhesive strips or easily removable slide mount tabs.

Find the right privacy filter for your screen

Step 1: Determine your screen type

Does your device have a raised bezel or a flat front glass screen?

Raised bezel: Screen with a raised frame around the edges.

Flat front glass: Screen with edge-to-edge glass without a raised frame.

Step 2: Measure your screen

For a raised bezel screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the screen's viewable area within the bezel.

For a flat front glass購買使用後心得分享 screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the entire glass display.

Step 3: Find your filter

Use the measurements to select the right sized filter for your device from the products listed below.

Best fit tip: If you don't see a filter that matches your measurements, select a filter that is larger yet closest to your measurements.

Product description

Color:Black | Style:20' Widescreen (16:9 Aspect Ratio)

3M Privacy Filters keep confidential information private. Only persons directly in front of the monitor can see the image on screen; others on either side of them see a darkened screen.

Product information

Color:Black | Style:20' Widescreen (16:9 Aspect Ratio)

Technical Details推薦最省錢的購物商城

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Screen Size 50.8 centimeters

Wireless Type 54g

Other Technical Details

Brand Name 3M

Series PF200W9B

Item model number PF200W9B

周年慶刷卡購買享折扣 Item Weight 2.6 ounces

2018熱門商品 Product Dimensions 9.8 x 0 x 17.4 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 9.83 x 0.02 x 17.45 inches

Color Black





[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)






: 記者於慶璇/宜蘭報導【 10/22 06:08發稿 | 08:04更新:新增影音 】

台鐵6432次普悠瑪樹林=台東列車21日傍晚5時行經冬山至蘇新間東正線時傳出出軌翻車意外,成為悠瑪列車通車以來,最嚴重的翻車事故,截至22日上午5時共造成18人死亡、187人受傷,因恰逢上午為週一上班日,為不耽誤民眾通勤時間,工程人員經過一個晚上搶修後,已於深夜3點21分已完成清空車道,今(22)清晨5時西正線恢復單線雙向通車, 預計5點14分第一班4102次區間車將從東澳站發車北上,清晨5:54降速通過事發現場。


普悠瑪翻覆! 乘客:途中曾2度急煞
普悠瑪事故187傷 最小為7歲男童

2支手機差很大!iPhoneXS拍出美腿真實照 讓她超崩潰

: 在這個人手一機的時代,對於手機的功能也愈來愈講究,許多人會將拍照攝影納入購機考量。有民眾拿了蘋果iPhone XS與三星Note8實測,拍了同一雙腿,結果卻差很大,蘋果手機拍出來太真實,讓她崩潰直呼「太像中毒」、「要去演屍速列車了」!


據了解,iPhone XS與Note8拍照規格同樣是1200萬畫素,不過兩款手機拍出來的照片卻有差異,蘋果呈現最真實的模樣,但三星拍出的照片則不太需要過多修圖軟體就很完美。至於哪支手機比較好,還是要端看個人的喜好與興趣而決定。

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正妹網紅不雅片疑外流…身分曝光 本人出面痛訴真相!

以為只是清潔員 她意外揭陸配超狂身分
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插管嬤哀嚎求救 家人哭求看護別走
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學生聯絡簿告白 網友:老師單身嗎?

手術大出血 防檢局副局長病逝


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)

本日刷卡購物優惠, 居家商品

[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)


[106美國直購] 3M PF200W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 20吋 Diagonal Standard Monitor (16:9)



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